Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Herald Tribune

A Healthy Focus at New Market
March 2, 2010

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In a display of Jewish revitalization and unity, Congregation Ner Tamid in Bradenton will join 700 other synagogues and temples to celebrate Shabbat Across America.

Conceived and organized by the National Jewish Outreach Program in 1997, Shabbat Across America/Canada represents a united effort to renew interest in observing the Jewish Sabbath, the weekly day of rest.

They will open their doors to practicing and nonpracticing Jews, so that everyone can enjoy and learn about Shabbat. To date participation has topped 600,000.

At Ner Tamid, Service Leader Rena Morano will lead an interactive Explanation Service at the event, which begins at 6 p.m. Friday.

Members of the congregation will serve a traditional Shabbat dinner with all the rituals explained in a clear, inclusive way.

"Members and guests will enjoy a traditional Shabbat meal of chicken and pot roast, just like Bubbe used to make," Ner Tamid President Elaine Mittler said in a prepared statement. "There will be veggies, mashed potatoes and salad, too."

After the Shabbat service, guests will enjoy an "oneg" which is a dessert buffet.

Jews of all backgrounds, interfaith families and those who want to learn more about Jewish traditions are welcome. For more information, visit www.nertamidflorida.org. To make a reservation, call 755-1231.

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