Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Rosh Hashanah makes the "Soul Bigger"-a spoof of Kanye West's "Gold Digger"
September 8, 2010
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Rosh Hashanah, commonly known as the Jewish New Year, begins at sunset today.

According to Judaism 101, the Jewish New Year is a time to "begin introspection, looking back at the mistakes of the past year and planning the changes to make in the new year," particularly in the 10 days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.

The Huffington Post shares a video parody by the National Jewish Outreach Program (NJOP), spoofing Kanye West's popular hit, "Gold Digger." According to the article, "'Soul Bigger' focuses on the Jewish New Year's themes of teshuva (repentance), tefillah (prayer) and tzeddakah (charity). NJOP hopes to encourage Jews around the world, regardless of affiliation, to make their souls bigger this Rosh Hashanah."

Pioneer Local

Happy Rosh Hashanah
September 8, 2010
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Growing up in southern Illinois and receiving much of my education in small Christian schools, I didn't get to know many Jewish people.

I read a lot of Hebrew Scripture, but I didn't know many Jews.

One of the benefits of spending the last 11 years in the Chicago area is making Jewish friends. I edit three Pioneer Press newspapers that serve communities with sizable Jewish populations. I get as many calls from rabbis and synagogues these days as I do from pastors and churches.

Stefanie Pervos, one of my former interns, is the founding editor and blogger in chief of the award-winning Oy!Chicago website. I've learned some of my co-workers have family members who were Holocaust victims.

As a Christian, these experiences have given me a longing to connect in a deeper way with the Jewish roots of my Christian faith. Still, I have a long way to go in understanding the theological diversity of modern Judaism. I also need to brush up on my Jewish holidays, which sometimes cause school closings in my papers' communities. For the schools that remain open, debate ensues about whether to cancel sporting events and other activities.

As the sun set Wednesday, Jews began their celebration of Rosh Hashanah. To understand what this holiday is, I turned to the helpful Jewish Holidays page on the website of the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago, which states:

"On Rosh Hashanah, the first day of the new year, the shofar is sounded to announce the judgment day, when humanity's deeds are remembered and assessed. Rosh Hashanah is also known as Yom Teruah (Day of Shofar Sounding), Yom Hadin (Day of Judgment), or Yom Hazikaron (Day of Remembrance)."

Unfortunately, four members of the so-called Westboro Baptist Church reportedly protested Wednesday in Evanston outside Northwestern University's Fiedler Hillel. I use "so-called" because Westboro doesn't seem like any Baptist church I've ever visited; all or almost all (depending on which news report you read) of the members are part of the same Kansas family. A Web search led me to this shameful hate group's posted schedule, which listed Thursday morning appearances at Niles West High School and a couple of Skokie synagogues.

I hope my Jewish friends understand the Westboro cult does not speak for my fellow Christians and me. In fact, the group's "God hates" signs and hateful rhetoric cause me to question the family's Christianity in light of 1 John 4:8: "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love."

I need to shift my discussion quickly. If I keep writing about Westboro's shameful, anti-Semitic actions during this sacred holiday, I'm going to need to take "Happy" out of the headline. I better lighten this post up fast.

I recently stumbled upon an online video produced by the National Jewish Outreach Program's Jewish Treats. The group performs "Soul Bigger," a parody of the hip-hop hit "Gold Digger" by Chicago's own (although some people around here don't claim him after the Taylor Swift fiasco) Kanye West.

All levity aside, I can benefit from a time of reflection. This year, my birthday coincides with the final day of Rosh Hashanah, and I need to join my Jewish friends in contemplating how I can serve God better in my next year of life.

Happy new year to everyone observing Rosh Hashanah. Thanks for letting me -- and apparently a much more prominent Christian -- join you in celebrating such an important holiday.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Book of Doctrines and Opinions: notes on Jewish theology and spirituality

Soul Bigger- An Evangelical Rap Video by NJOP

September 2, 2010

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Here is a new video by National Jewish Outreach Program run By Rabbi Ephraim (Effie) Buchwald. He is mainstream Modern Orthodox and based at Lincoln Square Synagogue. They run Shabbat across America and read Hebrew America. When many of us knew Effie 35-25 years ago, the musical aspiration was Kingston Trio via Rabbis Sons. The new song is a remake of the Kanye West’s rap song Gold Digger (original is NSFW). In the episode “Showmance” of Glee, the cast covered and modified the song so that now even Jewfolk know the rap song.

But here in the NJOP version we have a new gospel choral added singing “repent repent repent.” We also have a neo-Calvinist message of cut your credit cards and start praying, give up greed and help the homeless.

This was so Evangelical that they issued their own statement in the Jewish Week. “when the first version of the lyrics came out, we questioned whether the repeating motif of repentance sounded too much like a church revival meeting. However, we realized that teshuvah (repentance in Hebrew) is one of the most beautiful and spiritual concepts in Judaism, far more so than any fire-and-brimstone idea that the word “repent” may conjure up.”

First Things summed it up “As proof that we Christians don’t have exclusive rights to the making of cheesy, religious-oriented videos, I give you the National Jewish Outreach Program’s reimagining of Kanye West’s “Gold Digger.”

Watch the whole thing it has different parts.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Jewish Week

The Road Back Home
August 31, 2010
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Finding a theme for the newest YouTube video of the National Jewish Outreach Program (NJOP), “Soul Bigger,” should have been easy — the topic was Rosh HaShanah/Yom Kippur. But when the first version of the lyrics came out, we questioned whether the repeating motif of repentance sounded too much like a church revival meeting. However, we realized that teshuvah (repentance in Hebrew) is one of the most beautiful and spiritual concepts in Judaism, far more so than any fire-and-brimstone idea that the word “repent” may conjure up.

Teshuvah is a major theme of the High Holy Days. In fact, the Musaf (additional) Service has at its focus the line, “oo’teshuvah, oo’tefillah, oo’tzedakah ma’avirin et roh’ah hagezeira,” (and repentance and prayer and charity will turn aside the evil decree).

Maimonides, in the Mishneh Torah’s Laws of Teshuvah, writes that a person who sins “will repent” — “the one who sinned shall repent of his sin before God and confess.” What is so striking about Rambam is his language: “when a person will repent” not “if a person will repent,” an idea that stems from the Torah.

But teshuvah does not just mean to repent, to feel sorry and apologize; a more literal translation would be “return.” This, of course, implies that we return to something. In this case, we return to God, and we return to the pristine condition our souls were in when we were born. By doing teshuvah, we can again reach that pure state.

Although there might be an element of fear in the High Holy Days, what these days are truly about is coming back to who we really are: the pure, good children of a loving Father and King.

The following is a list of some excellent books about teshuvah by a variety of authors, both classic and modern:

Mishneh Torah Volume 4: Hilchot Teshuvah by Maimonides, edited by Rabbi Eliyahu Touger (Moznaim Press). Rambam writes “A discussion of the requirements for true repentance, which includes the role of Yom Kippur, the principle of reward and punishment, the World to Come, Messiah, and the proper attitudes and motivations in performing mitzvot.

“Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl (Beacon Press). The key to teshuvah is knowing that we have a choice. Frankl, having survived Auschwitz, emphasizes the idea that humans always have a choice. “People can preserve a vestige of spiritual freedom even in such terrible conditions of psychic and physical distress.”

“Gates of Repentance: Sha’arei Teshuvah” by Rabbeinu Yonah (Feldheim Publishers). The classic work on repentance and religious conduct. For those seeking the path to repentance and re-connection with God, this incisive guide is essential. With vowelized Hebrew and English translation.

“On Repentance: The Thought and Oral Discourses of Rabbi Joseph Dov Soloveitchik” by Pinchas Peli (Jason Aronson). For five decades prior to his death in 1993, Rabbi Soloveitchik was the unchallenged leader of modern Orthodox Judaism in the United States. In “On Repentance,” noted scholar Dr. Pinchas Peli has gathers the major points of Rabbi Soloveitchik’s teachings, based on the annual teshuvah lectures The Rav offered for many years between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur.

“Teshuva: A Guide for the Newly Observant Jew” by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz (Koren Publishers Jerusalem). Teshuvah is a personal, multifaceted spiritual reawakening; a desire to strengthen the connection between oneself and the sacred. The book offers advice and guidance in dealing with some of the difficulties likely to be encountered along the way. It addresses matters of principle and spiritual orientation: what the observances mean, how they are related, and how a person, having embarked on the journey of teshuvah, relates to self, family, and the surrounding society.

“You Shall be Holy — A Code of Jewish Ethics Vol. 1” by Rabbi Joseph Telushkin (Random House). Focusing on the vital topic of personal character and integrity and with the goal of restoring ethics to its central role in Judaism, Rabbi Telushkin offers both classical and contemporary sources to illustrate how ethical teachings affect our daily behavior. Topics include, among others: judging other people fairly; knowing when forgiveness is obligatory, optional, or forbidden; avoiding speech that shames others; and understanding why God is the ultimate basis of morality.

“Teshuvah” by Rebbetzin S. Feldbrand (Israel Book Shop Publications). This book presents the timeless advice of our sages on the topic of teshuvah in an easy-to-read format and is guaranteed to revolutionize and enrich the reader’s preparations for the High Holy Days. It will help you unlock the secrets of successful teshuvah.

“Second Chances: Transforming Bitterness to Hope and the Story of Ruth,” by Rabbi Levi Meier (Urim Publications). Deep feelings of depression and giving up hope are often part of the human experience. Drawing upon his years as a clinical therapist and spiritual chaplain, Rabbi Meier explores strategies that serve as models for a more positive and optimistic life, transforming tragic circumstances into a force for healing.

“Anatomy of a Search,” by Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz (Artscroll/Mesorah Publications). Rabbi Tatz takes you inside the “Teshuva Revolution” as he shares with us his life and the lives of the young people from many backgrounds whom he meets and tutors. We’ll step into the thought processes of young people searching for a better reality, and we’ll find ourselves gripped by their quest and drawn into their ascent.

“Crown Him With Joy,” by Rabbi Hadar Margolin (Targum Press). During the High Holy Days we tremble before Him yet our hearts are filled with joy. Simcha, joy, is the vital ingredient that enriches and complements the awe and fear that characterize this awesome time. Rabbi Margolin shows us how to utilize the power of joy to create a close and loving relationship with God. Use this easy-to-read book to learn new ways to deal with personal challenges and gain a deeper understanding of what teshuvah really is.

“Not Just Stories,” by Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski (Mesorah Publications). Stories are often the best entrance to the rich spiritual, intellectual and moral core of chasidism. Rabbi Twerski inspires us with his classic chasidic tales that touch on the spiritual themes of a movement that breathes life, pride, and vigor into millions of Jews.

Rabbi Yitzchak Rosenbaum is associate director of National Jewish Outreach Program. Janice N. Klein works part time at NJOP while studying full-time for her MSW at Wurzweiler School of Social Work.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

What the bleep?! This week's hot Jewish news
August 28, 2010
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Maybe you’ve seen and listened to Glee’s “Gold Digger” or, maybe you’re a loser like me, and you totally missed that episode (watch it here online). In any case, you better not miss the National Jewish Outreach Program’s parody of Glee’s song, Rosh Hashana makes your soul bigger. It’s frickin’ awesome. (Thanks HuffPost for the heads up)

Thursday, August 26, 2010


'Soul Bigger' -- A Rosh Hashanah Take on Kanye
August 26, 2010
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Kanye West's "Gold Digger" is re-fitted as an adorable salute to the soul-enlarging spiritual renewal of then Jewish New Year, to be celebrated on the evening of Sept 8 this year. Thanks to Slate's Brow Beat for bringing it to my attention.

Denise Rich Songs

JP Works As Producer To Help The National Jewish Outreach Program Bring In The 'New Year'

August 26, 2010
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DRS Songwriter/Producer, JP Rende, lent his hand as producer for the National Jewish Outreach Program to help them create a parody Kanye West's "Gold Digger" with "Soul Bigger". JP helped as the music producer of this song, done entirely in a capella, to help create this homage to Rosh Hashanah in such creative and hilarious fashion!

Leave. That. Alone.

Repent, boy gohead repent.
August 26, 2010
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Soul Bigger
August 26, 2010
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RSS Video News

RSS Video News Logo

Soul Bigger
August 26, 2010
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Soul Bigger Jewish Treats and @JewishTweets want to know if you're ready to make your "Soul Bigger" for the High Holidays? Follow us on Twitter! Visit our Facebook Page! A Project of the National Jewish Outreach Program (NJOP) Written and Directed by Brian Golub and Mike Kirsch of Unique New York Entertainment http Choreographed by Mike Kirsch Learn more about the 3 T's of the High Holidays, Teshuva (Repentance), Tefilah (Prayer) and Tzedaka (Charity), with this post taken from our blog The 3 Ts On Rosh Hashanah we declare: "But repentance, prayer and charity remove the evil of the decree!" In Hebrew, these constitute the 3 Ts: Teshuva, Tefilah and Tzedaka.

Jewish Humor Central

Rosh Hashana Countdown: Gold Digger? No, It's Soul Bigger!
August 26, 2010
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The National Jewish Outreach Program (NJOP) has just released a new video called Soul Bigger, designed to entertain and to suggest practical ways to better ourselves in the days leading up to and following Rosh Hashanah.

A take-off on a popular song called Gold Digger by Kanye West, it's a professionally done production number deserving to be watched and shared. The Gold Digger video has more than 15 million page views. Soul Bigger's message merits more attention, and it's worth sharing with your friends. Enjoy!

World News Network

Soul Bigger
August 26, 2010
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Jewish American History Month

Jewish 'Gold Digger' Spoof: Rosh Hashana Makes The Soul Bigger

August 26, 2010

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In the wake of Glee’s infamous take on Kanye West’s “Gold Digger” comes another parody, this time by the National Jewish Outreach Program (NJOP)’s Jewish Treats. "Soul Bigger" focuses on the Jewish New Year's themes of teshuva (repentance), tefillah (prayer) and tzeddakah (charity). NJOP hopes to encourage Jews around the world, regardless of affiliation, to make their souls bigger this Rosh Hashanah.

Kanye West, Rosh Hashanah Style
August 26, 2010
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"It's Rosh Hashanah...For ten days I'll be a do-gooder..."

A Jewish group put a new spin on the Kanye West hit Gold Digger. Teshuva, tefillah and tzeddakah are just some of the topics covered in the spoof video Soul Bigger.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Thoughts from Rabbi Phyllis
Make Your Soul Bigger
August 25, 2010
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The Huffington Post

Jewish 'Gold Digger' Spoof: Rosh Hashana Makes The Soul Bigger? (VIDEO)
August 25, 2010
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In the wake of Glee's infamous take on Kanye West's "Gold Digger" comes another parody, this time by the National Jewish Outreach Program (NJOP)'s Jewish Treats.

"Soul Bigger" focuses on the Jewish New Year's themes of teshuva (repentance), tefillah (prayer) and tzeddakah (charity). NJOP hopes to encourage Jews around the world, regardless of affiliation, to make their souls bigger this Rosh Hashanah.


Jewish "Gold Digger" Spoof: Rosh Hashana Makes The Soul Bigger?
August 25, 2010
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In the wake of Glee's infamous take on Kanye West's "Gold Digger" comes another parody, this time by the National Jewish Outreach Program (NJOP)'s Jewish Treats.

"Soul Bigger" focuses on the Jewish New Year's themes of teshuva (repentance), tefillah (prayer) and tzeddakah (charity). NJOP hopes to encourage Jews around the world, regardless of affiliation, to make their souls bigger this Rosh Hashanah.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

JBlog Central: The Jewish and Israeli Blog Network

JBlog Central: The Jewish and Israeli Blog Network

"Soul Bigger" - Latest from NJOP and Jewish Treats/Tweets
August 24, 2010
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"She gives her those in neeeeeed...."

After Mr. Schuster covered Kanye West's Gold Digger on Glee (see below for the clip), we should have known it would be open season on the catchy tune - infused with a healthy dose of Jamie Foxx channeling Ray Charles. Thankfully, this version - "Soul Bigger," brought to you by Jewish Treats, the people who brought you "I've Got a a Feeling (The Shabbat Song)" - neutralizes the chauvinism and reframes the ditty as a Rosh Hashanah anthem.

As of this posting, only 608 people have viewed it - you could push it to 700 and beyond...check it out and enjoy this first of likely several Rosh Hashanah seasonal greetings.

My Urban Kvetch

"Soul Bigger" - Latest from NJOP and Jewish Treats/Tweets

August 24, 2010

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"She gives her those in neeeeeed...."

After Mr. Schuster covered Kanye West's Gold Digger on Glee (see below for the clip), we should have known it would be open season on the catchy tune - infused with a healthy dose of Jamie Foxx channeling Ray Charles. Thankfully, this version - "Soul Bigger," brought to you by Jewish Treats, the people who brought you "I've Got a a Feeling (The Shabbat Song)" - neutralizes the chauvinism and reframes the ditty as a Rosh Hashanah anthem.

As of this posting, only 608 people have viewed it - you could push it to 700 and beyond...check it out and enjoy this first of likely several Rosh Hashanah seasonal greetings.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Affiliate Video Revenue Clips

Soul Bigger
August 21, 2010
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Jewish Treats and @JewishTweets want to know if you're ready to make your "Soul Bigger" for the High Holidays?Follow us on Twitter! our Facebook Page! Project of the National Jewish Outreach Program (NJOP) http://njop.orgWritten and Directed by Brian Golub and Mike Kirsch of Unique New York Entertainment http://uniquenewyorkentertainment.comChoreographed by Mike KirschLearn more about the 3 T's of the High Holidays, Teshuva (Repentance), Tefilah (Prayer) and Tzedaka (Charity), with this post taken from our blog:The 3 TsOn Rosh Hashanah we declare: "But repentance, prayer and charity remove the evil of the decree!" In Hebrew, these constitute the 3 Ts: Teshuva, Tefilah and Tzedaka.Teshuva (repentance) a central theme of the High Holidays, means more than just saying "sorry." Teshuva, means recognizing one's errors and making an effort not to repeat them. In many ways, teshuva is a private act because one must be introspective to recognize one's own mistakes.Tefilah (prayer) is the acknowledgment of God as the King and Ruler of the universe. Tefilah is almost private, but not quite. It is a conversation between the person and God.Tzedaka (charity) is a critical step necessary to reverse an evil decree simply because it constitutes an action. The performance of this mitzvah affects the person giving, the person receiving, and its benefits often extend to others as well. Tzedaka is reaching out beyond one's self, and is thus a public act.Everything that a person does affects the world in multiple ways. It affects the person's relationship with him/herself, their relationship with the Divine and their relationship with their fellow human beings. The path to reversing the evil of the decree must therefore involve the private, the spiritual and the public spheres of our lives.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Blueprint

Crash Course in Hebrew Reading
July 7, 2010
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Venue:The Gottesman Center
114 East 85th Street
across the street from the Main Synagogue
New York, View on Mapquest

Contact:212-774-5678 or
Organization:Kehilath Jeshurun

Wednesdays, starting August 4 at 6:30 pm

This popular series enables those with no previous background to discover the beauty of the Hebrew Language. Taught by Sara Rosen. (Advanced Registration Requested.) Co-sponsored by the National Jewish Outreach Program (NJOP)

Monday, April 12, 2010

The New York Blueprint

Crash Course in Basic Judaism with Rabbi Buchwald

April 12, 2010

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Venue:Congregation Ramath Orah

550 W 110th st (at Broadway)


Organization: National Jewish Outreach Program

The world renowned Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald, Director of NJOP, will give a 3 part lecture series on basic Judaism at Congregation Ramath Orah. The course is given in a way which makes it relevant to Jews on all levels of knowledge.

Monday, April 12: Belief in God and Prayer

Monday, April 19th: The Sabbath and Jewish Observance

Monday, April 26: Sexuality

All classes begin at 7pm. Refreshments served.

Classes are free.

To Register contact or call 646-871-4444

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The New York Blueprint

NJOP Model Passover Seder at Lincoln Square Synagogue
March 13, 2010
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Venue:Lincoln Square Synagogue

200 Amsterdam Avenue

at 69th St.

New York, NY 10023View on Mapquest Event URL: Contact:Call the National Jewish Outreach Program at 646-871-0111 Organization:National Jewish Outreach Program Cost:$10 before Tuesday, March 23rd $15 at the door Sponsors:LSS Beginners ServiceNational Jewish Outreach Program Is In Hebrew: Lincoln Square Synagogue's LSS Beginners Service and the National Jewish Outreach Program present a model seder, complete with songs, explanations, rituals and stories. An experience to take home with you. Voice recorders welcome.

Presented by Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald and Cantor Sherwood Goffin

Thursday Mach 25, 2010 at 7:00 PM

Refreshments will be served

To register visit: or call the National Jewish Outreach Program at 646-871-0111.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Wicked Local

Shabbat Across America/ Canada

March 2, 2010

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PLYMOUTH -- From 6 to 9 p.m., Friday, March 5, members of the Jewish community of the South Shore and surrounding areas will gather at Congregation Beth Jacob’s Community Center, on Court Street at Brewster, downtown Plymouth, in an unparalleled display of Jewish revitalization and Jewish unity. Conceived and organized by the National Jewish Outreach Program in 1997, Shabbat Across America/Canada represents a united effort by the entire Jewish community to renew interest in the fourth of the Ten Commandments, observing a weekly day of rest (Shabbat in Hebrew). Attendees will experience a special Friday night service and, for those who come early, a Shabbat dinner sponsored by PARTY, the congregation’s high school youth group, to be followed by a half hour tutorial of festive Shabbat songs taught by Cantorial intern Elise Barber. The Shabbat service begins at 7:30 p.m. followed by Oneg Shabbat (dessert).

Herald Tribune

A Healthy Focus at New Market
March 2, 2010

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In a display of Jewish revitalization and unity, Congregation Ner Tamid in Bradenton will join 700 other synagogues and temples to celebrate Shabbat Across America.

Conceived and organized by the National Jewish Outreach Program in 1997, Shabbat Across America/Canada represents a united effort to renew interest in observing the Jewish Sabbath, the weekly day of rest.

They will open their doors to practicing and nonpracticing Jews, so that everyone can enjoy and learn about Shabbat. To date participation has topped 600,000.

At Ner Tamid, Service Leader Rena Morano will lead an interactive Explanation Service at the event, which begins at 6 p.m. Friday.

Members of the congregation will serve a traditional Shabbat dinner with all the rituals explained in a clear, inclusive way.

"Members and guests will enjoy a traditional Shabbat meal of chicken and pot roast, just like Bubbe used to make," Ner Tamid President Elaine Mittler said in a prepared statement. "There will be veggies, mashed potatoes and salad, too."

After the Shabbat service, guests will enjoy an "oneg" which is a dessert buffet.

Jews of all backgrounds, interfaith families and those who want to learn more about Jewish traditions are welcome. For more information, visit To make a reservation, call 755-1231.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Bangor Daily News

Rabbi Darah Lerner and members of Congregation Beth El invite you to Shabbat Across America-Canada beginning with a vegetarian potluck Shabbat dinner at 5:30 p.m. and a Shabbat service at 7:30 p.m. Friday, March 5, at Congregation Beth El, 183 French St., Bangor.

According to information provided by the congregation, "tens of thousands of people at hundreds of locations across North America, as well as soldiers on active duty around the world, are expected to participate" on that day in this National Jewish Outreach Program.

The event, the release explained, "has been designed to introduce Jews with limited background in observance to the joy and beauty of the Jewish Sabbath" and, this year, the program has been extended to include military bases.

You are asked to register for this event and let your hosts know whether you will be able to bring a dish to share by calling 945-4578 or e-mailing

Poten & Partners

Poten & Partners

Shabbat Across America-Canada

February 27, 2010

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Rabbi Darah Lerner and members of Congregation Beth El invite you to Shabbat Across America-Canada beginning with a vegetarian potluck Shabbat dinner at 5:30 p.m. and a Shabbat service at 7:30 p.m. Friday, March 5, at Congregation Beth El, 183 French St., Bangor.

According to information provided by the congregation, "tens of thousands of people at hundreds of locations across North America, as well as soldiers on active duty around the world, are expected to participate" on that day in this National Jewish Outreach Program.

The event, the release explained, "has been designed to introduce Jews with limited background in observance to the joy and beauty of the Jewish Sabbath" and, this year, the program has been extended to include military bases.

You are asked to register for this event and let your hosts know whether you will be able to bring a dish to share by calling 945-4578 or e-mailing

Wicked Local

Shabbat Across America/ Canada

February 27, 2010

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Shabbat Across America/Canada. From 6 to 9 p.m., Friday, March 5, members of the Jewish community of the South Shore and surrounding areas will gather at Congregation Beth Jacob’s Community Center, on Court Street at Brewster, downtown Plymouth, in an unparalleled display of Jewish revitalization and Jewish unity. Conceived and organized by the National Jewish Outreach Program in 1997, Shabbat Across America/Canada represents a united effort by the entire Jewish community to renew interest in the fourth of the Ten Commandments, observing a weekly day of rest (Shabbat in Hebrew).

CBJ will be one of approximately 700 synagogues across the continent that will simultaneously open door to practicing and non-practicing Jews alike as well as interfaith families, so all may join together to experience and rejoice in a family Shabbat service and festive meal.

More than 600,000 people have participated in Shabbat Across America/Canada. Attendees will experience a special Friday night service and, for those who come early, a Shabbat dinner sponsored by PARTY, the congregation’s high school youth group, to be followed by a half hour tutorial of festive Shabbat songs taught by Cantorial intern Elise Barber. The Shabbat service begins at 7:30 p.m. followed by Oneg Shabbat (dessert).

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Montgomery congregation to mark Shabbat Across America next month

February 17, 2010
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Members of Congregation Kehilat Shalom next month will join several other Central Jersey synagogues and centers in a national event with a mission to unify the Jewish community.

Created and organized by the New York-based National Jewish Outreach Program in 1997, the 14th annual Shabbat Across America event scheduled on Friday, March 5 will represent a united effort by the Jewish community to renew interest in the fourth of the Ten Commandments -- observing a weekly day of rest.

Shabbat -- the day of rest -- begins at sundown March 5 and lasts until sundown March 6.

This is the second year Congregation Kehilat Shalom, in the Belle Mead section of the township, is participating in Shabbat Across America. Led by Rabbi Susan Falk, the evening will begin at 6:30 p.m. for practicing and nonpracticing Jews alike, where congregants will rejoice in a Shabbat service and festive, potluck meal, respresentatives of the congregation said.

Falk also plans to explain Shabbat rituals during the program.


Designing Women
February 17, 2010
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Giving the National Jewish Outreach Program’s February 2 dinner at the New York Hilton a jump-start, Sam Domb — a Holocaust survivor, hotel owner and longtime NJOP benefactor — declared: “I don’t intend to speak. I just brought a $100,000 check,” which he handed to NJOP founder and director Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald, then walked off the stage! Among NJOP’s many successful campaigns to promote the Sabbath, Buchwald cited “Shabbat Across America/Canada,” “The Great American Smokeout: Give Your Lungs a Religious Experience…This Shabbat, Light Candles Not Cigarettes,” and the conversion of Lisa Scharf (nee Lisa Cabrera, a TV reporter for NBC, CBS and UPN, and a Fox News anchor). She and her husband, real estate innovator Joseph Scharf, were the evening’s honorees.

It was noted that the Scharfs’ wedding in Jerusalem was front-page news in Israel. (Lisa Scharf credited NJOP’s Hebrew Reading Alphabet Charts as an invaluable aid in learning Hebrew.) The dinner also honored Chaya Saity and her late husband, David Saity, as “devoted supporters of Israel and the Jewish community. The Saitys owned the Native American jewelry boutiques on Park Avenue and in the Trump Tower.

Buchwald lamented: “There was a time when most American Jews, young and old, had seen candles lit in their homes, were familiar with [a local] kosher butcher or kosher delicatessen, even if their families didn’t observe kashrut at home… went to Hebrew school and, though for many it was a negative experience, it was still a Jewish experience. Today we are facing a generation of Jews who are three, four and five generations removed from tradition. They may know that pork is forbidden in Jewish tradition, but [they] don’t know beans about Judaism…. More than 300,000 North American Jews have learned to read Hebrew,” declared Buchwald, who touted NJOP’s most recent innovative programming: “Jewish Treats,” which is a daily e-mail and blog; “Jewish Tweets,” NJOP’s Twitter presence, and Twebrew School, online courses..

Friday, February 12, 2010

Wicked Local

Temple Beth Shalom host "Shabbat Across America/ Canada"
February 12, 2010
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Members of Melrose’s Jewish community will gather on Friday, March 5, 6 p.m., at Temple Beth Shalom, 21 East Foster St., in an unparalleled display of Jewish revitalization and Jewish unity. Conceived and organized by the National Jewish Outreach Program (NJOP), “Shabbat Across America/Canada” represents a united effort by the entire Jewish community to renew interest in the fourth of the Ten Commandments — observing a weekly day of rest (Shabbat in Hebrew).

Temple Beth Shalom is proud to have participated in Shabbat Across America since its inception and will be one of approximately 700 synagogues across the continent that will simultaneously open its doors to practicing and non-practicing Jews alike, so they may join together to experience and rejoice in a traditional Shabbat observance, much like the one that should be enjoyed at home.

Led by Temple members, attendees will experience an interactive Friday night beginner’s observance and a potluck Shabbat dinner with all the rituals explained. The event will take place from 6-9 p.m. All attendees should bring a dairy dish (entrĂ©e, side dish, salad or dessert). Do not bring any food containing meat or ingredients made with meat. Wine, grape juice and other soft drink beverages will be provided by the Temple.

For more information, e-mail

or call 781-665-4520 and leave a message.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The New York Blueprint

Shabbat Across America at KJ Beginners Program
February 9, 2010
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Venue:Ramaz Middle School
114 East 85th Street between Lexington and Park Av
New York , View on Mapquest
Contact: or call 212-774-5678
Organization:Kehilath Jeshurun

On Friday night, March 5h, members of the Upper East Side Jewish community and beyond will gather at Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun (KJ) in an inspiring display of Jewish unity. Created by the National Jewish Outreach Program (NJOP), “Shabbat Across America” represents a united effort to renew interest in Shabbat, the Jewish Sabbath.

KJ will be one of approximately 700 synagogues across the continent that will open its doors to all Jews. Under the direction of Rabbi Elie Weinstock, Associate Rabbi and Director of Outreach, attendees will experience an interactive Friday night explanatory service and a Shabbat dinner with all the rituals explained.

Prompted by the growing rate of Jewish assimilation in North America, NJOP and KJ hope that a memorable and rewarding experience at Shabbat Across America will infuse thousands of non-practicing Jews with a greater sense of commitment to Judaism. “We cannot accept that North American Jewry is an endangered species,” commented Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald, founder and director of NJOP. “A vast majority of Jews in this country have never experienced a traditional Sabbath experience and do not feel a connection to the Judaism that their grandparents practiced only a half-century ago. Shabbat Across America is an exciting and modern way of reintroducing friends and family members to a practice that has been with our people for over 3,000 years.”

The Jewish Week

Tim Boxer: At NJOP What's Better Than A Speach?
February 9, 2010
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Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald, right, honors Joseph Scharf and wife Lisa Cabrera at NJOP dinner at the Hilton. Photo by Tim Boxer

Hotel operator Sam Domb has been one of the stalwarts of the National Jewish Outreach Program. Last year he raised $200,000 for the organization, long admired for its highly effective Shabbat Across America campaign.

At the group's annual dinner at the New York Hilton, the founding director, Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald, called upon Domb to take a bow.

"I did not bring a speech," Domb said, "but I did bring a check for another $100,000."

"This is an expensive dinner for you," Buchwald said.

Buchwald said that today's generation of Jews never attended Hebrew school or became a

bar or bat mitzvah. To reach them NJOP has embraced the mix of social media. It launched Jewish Treats and Jewish Tweets. Its Tweebrew School is now the No. 2 Jewish newswire on Twitter.

A younger generation was reflected in the audience, which also included a judge, a granddaughter of Oscar Hammerstein II, a co-president of Morgan Stanley (the highest ranking observant Jew in American business), the Pulitzer Prize-winning musician Steve Reich, the Emmy Award-winning producer Allan Leicht, and the newly converted Ivanka Trump who attended the beginner's service at Kehilat Jeshurun which NJOP helped establish.

Buchwald presented awards to several individuals, including Lisa Cabrera, a news reporter for Fox5. Her father's from Colombia. Lisa converted two years ago in Jerusalem and married New York real estate developer Joseph Scharf.